Pre-Install Question: Looking to tri-boot Vista/Kubuntu

Hello all,

I am currently running Kubuntu 9.10 and loving it. My system is set up to dual boot Win 7 on /sda1, with Kubuntu in /sdb. Grub is located in sdb. Everything works extremely well with this system.

Now for a bit of my Linux history. I’ve used Linux on and off for a few years. I’ve only used Ubuntu flavors (first Xubuntu, then Ubuntu, then Kubuntu.) I’ve absolutely fallen in love with KDE (I know many don’t like it, but I LOVE it).

My current set up in Kubuntu works very well, for the most part (printer, sound, etc.). There is one small bug when I go into sleep mode, but aside from that it works great.

So, I want to try out a new flavor of Linux besides Ubuntu. I’ve heard that OpenSuse is the best KDE distro, so, naturally, I want to give it a go.

My questions are these: what is the best partition set up on sdb so that I retain my excellently working Grub set up (allowing me to boot into win7 on sda or Kubuntu on sdb)? Again, I’d like to put OpenSuse on sdb, alongside Kubuntu.

Second, I’ve never installed two OSs on the same hard drive (I’ve always used a new HD or formatted an existing.) Any suggestions for one’s first foray into this?

Third, will I be able to access my packages in Kubuntu? That would be ideal to conserve diskspace.

Fourth, is it possible to export my settings from Kubuntu? The reason I ask is that I spent a long time getting everything set up “just so.” I know this last question is really pushing it…but, heck, I thought I’d ask :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone!

I’ll answer 3 and 4 but let someone else tackle 1 and 2

3 No the packages installed on Ubuntu are set up for Ubuntu. You will have to reinstall them in Suse

4 Maybe But be prepared to byte the bullet and reset things up. Ubuntu by default does not have a separate partition for /home so you can not share home between the OS’e but of course you can always copy the settings ie ~/.kde4 unless by chance you set Ubuntu up to have a separate home partition.

Look in /boot/grub and see if you have a file called core.img. If you do then maybe I can help with 1 and 2.

Well… :slight_smile:

For some reason, I had a good feeling about OpenSuse. From everything I’d read it was more stable than Kubuntu, less buggy, and over all, more polished.

So, I thought “screw it” and installed it over my Kubuntu installation. One of the things I love about Linux is that you can install a copy in about 15 minutes (assuming you’ve downloaded the iso already.)

So, I’m happy to say that I think OpenSuse is going to be my KDE distro of choice. So far it is nearly perfect. All of my applications works fine (most importantly, Warcraft :slight_smile: )). The UI seems slightly more polished than Kubuntu, and there seems to be less bug issues. It also seems to use slightly less RAM.

On the downside, wireless networking and printer configuration took a bit longer than in Kubuntu. However, both work now, and it didn’t take that long to get them up. I’m also not to fond of the package manager (but I am warming up to it…just takes some getting used to.)

Overall though, I must say I am impressed so far. No crashes, no bugs…it even goes into Sleep mode and…COMES OUT OF SLEEP MODE. So, I think I’m going to stick with OpenSuse.

Whatever works for you.