pptpd on 13.1

Hi everyone
Since two day’s i’m trying to make pptpd run, unfortunately it seems like the executable is alway’s failing with return code 1 but no further output. My config file:


option /etc/ppp/options.pptpd
pidfile /var/run/pptpd.pid


mtu 1490
mru 1490
name mypptpd
lcp-echo-failure 20
lcp-echo-interval 20

I set up a test user in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets.

I tried to run pptpd with systemd:

root # systemctl start pptpd
root # systemctl status pptpd
pptpd.service - PPTP Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/pptpd.service; disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2014-06-05 09:39:20 CEST; 4s ago
  Process: 26695 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/pptpd --fg -d (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 26695 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Jun 05 09:39:20 nebiolo systemd[1]: Starting PPTP Daemon...
Jun 05 09:39:20 nebiolo systemd[1]: Started PPTP Daemon.
Jun 05 09:39:20 nebiolo systemd[1]: pptpd.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 05 09:39:20 nebiolo systemd[1]: Unit pptpd.service entered failed state.

When I run pptpd from the command line I get no output and just exit code 1:

root # /usr/sbin/pptpd --fg --debug
root # echo $?

I did not find any sensible log file in /usr/log, i also tried reinstalling the binary using yast but no success.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Ok I was able to solve the issue:
I found out that pptp was sending messages to syslog without separate file so logging was happening in /var/log/messages, form there i found that there was a typo in the path to the options file. Bug fixed :wink:

Hello bon_scott,

I am new one here and i wonder if can help me.

I created a pptp VPN and when i actived the pptpd.service on boot, i had an issue which is the same you had in the past(see up there) and when I read your solution I don’t see what you mean really.

Can you explain me how did you fix this issue, please ?



Hello fireice,

Welcome on these forums.

Please note that you posted in a rather old thread. The OP there (bon_scott) did not realy post anytthing since this thread, so it is not very clear if he still watches this thread or even these forums.

Also, because the thread is more then a year old. you must be very certain that you use the same versions of the software else posting here may confuse people.

When you have a problem, in almost all cases it is best to start a thread of your own, in the correct (sub)forum and with a good, keywords containing, title. Then you have the best chance to draw the attention of people that have knowledge about your subject. And that is what you want I assume.