poweroff: computer doesn't power off completely

I started using opensuse LEAP with 42.3, then upgraded to 15.0.
I noticed the following: when I shut down the system (until today - only via plasma menu, today I tried poweroff command), the power is not removed completely: the keyboard numlock LED keep lighting. Until today that wasn’t a problem: I always could turn computer back on by power button. But today I had a problem: the video card refused to turn on, the screen was black even at the POST stage.
I managed to recover it ONLY by turning power off by power supply switch. Then I turned it back on, pressed power button and all worked.

That raises the question: why isn’t power totally removed from the system and how can I tell system to do so?
I googled and found nothing relevant.

Also it may be worth noting that when I ran Windows (7) on that computer there were no such effects.

Thank you.

Yes, I also have this issue occasionally with a Laptop which has a Btrfs system partition on a SSHD (Hybrid HDD) drive …
No idea what’s going on – if and when it happens, I use <Ctrl+Alt+F1> and then <Alt+SysRq+o> to power-off …

Try this. Before you shutdown, issue this command

sudo swapoff -a

then try to shutdown.

I patch and upgrade my system from the command line (zypper patch, etc.). And, because I’m lazy, I wrote a bash alias to allow me to reboot from the command line:

sudo systemctl reboot

I also have/had

sudo systemctl poweroff

if I want to power off the machine from the CL.

These worked fine in 42.3, and, in the beginning, in 15.0. But for the last few months or so, the system hangs when I reboot using the alias or from the KDE menu (or try to shutdown). The system hangs at a login prompt. I can see this because I don’t run plymouth. Since I’ve added the swapoff -a command to the alias:

sudo swapoff -a; systemctl reboot

I’ve not had the problem. I don’t know why this works, but it does. I found this suggestion on the Linux StackExchange site.

Thank you for the suggestions. I found the following.

it works - that is, shutdown is full and keyboard doesn’t look as if it is powered (all LEDs are off). Even without [LEFT]

sudo swapoff -a


So, to sum up:

  1. When I shutdown the system via plasma menu, it doesn’t work (in the sense of the starting post).
    [LEFT]2. When I do the
sudo poweroff

, [LEFT][FONT=Verdana]it doesn’t work [/LEFT]either[/FONT][/LEFT] (the same way).
[LEFT]3. When I do the

sudo [LEFT][FONT=Verdana]systemctl [/LEFT]poweroff[/FONT]

, it works.




Question is below at the 3rd comment:

Shutting down via the ‘Poweroff’ button of SDDM also doesn’t work –

  • Both of the KDE Plasma 5 and SDDM actions execute ‘systemctl poweroff’ as the user “root” …

The CLI command “poweroff” is actually ‘/sbin/poweroff’ «‘which -a poweroff’ from a “root” user prompt» which is a symbolic link pointing to ‘/usr/bin/systemctl’

From a GUI (KDE or GNOME or whatever) Terminal window or a Virtual Terminal (tty1 … tty6)?

The power-off behaviour of some Laptops is indeed strange; the behaviour of the CLI commands isn’t “strange” …