PowerEdge Server and CPU Issues

I am new to the openSuse server…
I have built a PowerEdge server with the latest install DVD.
Current is openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64)
The server CPU’s are Intel Xeon 3.0 (2 of them) and 4 gig of ram

I have not made any changes to the system (still learning)
nepomunservices and kded4 are stuck at 100% CPU
I have read thru some of the forum’s but nothing has worked.

Also, when I restart the system I get
We are sorry. The KDE Session Manager closed unexpectedly

I will be trying to make it send the bug report in.
Any idea’s on the process’s eating my CPU’s?


I am new to the openSuse server…
I have built a PowerEdge server with the latest install DVD.
Current is openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64)
The server CPU’s are Intel Xeon 3.0 (2 of them) and 4 gig of ram

I have not made any changes to the system (still learning)
nepomunservices and kded4 are stuck at 100% CPU
I have read thru some of the forum’s but nothing has worked.

Also, when I restart the system I get
We are sorry. The KDE Session Manager closed unexpectedly

I will be trying to make it send the bug report in.
Any idea’s on the process’s eating my CPU’s?


So you may find a solution to this issue, but I am thinking it would be better to not run a desktop on this computer and perhaps use a VM session of some sort to run openSUSE and KDE. Imagine buying a copy of SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), designed for this type of PC, you do not load a Desktop, but then install Virtual Box or VMWare and then within that session, you load a standard copy of openSUSE 11.4 where I am sure KDE would work fine. Anyway, this is the direction I would take this type of PC myself.

Thank You,