on an openSuSE-12.3 I have successfully installed a mail server with postfix-amavis-dovecot.
Works as expected, all fine.
However, trying to install the dovecot sieve plugin I totally fail.
Basically I want to use sieve server side only, to redirect spam into a general spam folder.
The mail users need not (yet) to use sieve.
I did not find a docu explaining how to implement sieve with dovecot.
Any hints would be very much appreciated, e.g an example dovecot.conf with sieve activated.
On 2013-07-24 11:26, WolfGrossi wrote:
> Any idea how to get procmail running between postfix and dovecot to
> filter mail?
> I activated ‘mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail’ in my current postfix
> main.cf, but it does not work.
> Any hints?
It should just work, I don’t do anything special. However… you
probably need procmail recipe files for each user, because the global
/etc/procmail file is ignored when using postfix. Well, not really
ignored, that’s not true; IIRC it does not run as root, so old recipes
for it do not work.
Enable log in the procmail recipe files, and check mail log to for
clues, blind debugging is very difficult.
> I used procmail with my old server, so this would be a good choice
> anyway.
I use it because I’m familiar with it and did not want to change much my
setup, but I have my doubts if it is the best thing with dovecot and
several users.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))
I found some difficulties initially when I first setup sieve with dovecot but it does work . My system is a home based network, and spam filtering is all done on the server and goes to a spam folder under the usernames.
The dovecot wiki has most of the material i used when setting up my filters, however you need to be sure of the Dovecot version you are using as there are 2 sections on the wiki:
the links to version 1.x wiki, and version 2.0 wiki are there. I am using dovecot21 ( 2.1.17-26.1) from the suse repos.
Under the sub heading Dovecot configuration towards the bottom of the list is Sieve and ManageSieve. At this stage I suggest that probably you would only need to refer to Sieve.
Also look here for configuration & more examples etc. Pigeonhole/Sieve - Dovecot WikiYou will find configuration examples installed on your computer which have a lot of information see /usr/share/doc/packages/dovecot/example-config and under conf.d You need to read the config files carefully especially in regard to anything “sieve”.
I hope that this is some help. I might add I am using postfix, amavisd-new & dovecot on SuSE 12.3 with kde4 desktop. mail directories are in Maildir format.
Best wishes,