I know that I dont please all the people in this forum. Let people read my treads/post if they like but why have the post counter stopped at 749? Only in my 2 DE’s view?
I tried again with “firefox”, and it was fine. I originally used “rekonq”.
It looks as if “rekonq” is starting an “okular” process to display the pdf file before it has finished downloading. Maybe I didn’t wait long enough before concluding that it was empty. By contrast, “firefox” shows a progress bar to indicate how long to go before I should expect to see the file.
Why not 750? Show up on my posts every ware… (Firefox 34)… (screenshots below)
That’s the way it works. I’m now seeing 751. It always shows the total post, rather than the posts at the time you posted that particular message. So I think it is working as it is supposed to work.