If this isn’t the right sub-forum to discuss this kind of thing, please move, because otherwise I have no idea about where it should be.
Story (needed):
I was scanning my mother’s PC (has Windows 7 64 bit with Avast Free antivirus), and among very few infections it detected two MS Word -.doc- files as infected. Were moved to quarantine. I happen to have the same files on my openSUSE laptop since they are old notes from school (some few years old, from a Computing class…). I couldn’t believe what Avast told (on kind of a rage…) and I opened both files on my openSUSE laptop; they opened normally just with LibreOffice. In these doc files I observed there are some virus code examples (it was a class about security, seeing how would some viruses look like).
This first one may be a bit offtopic, but if a doc or text file contains written malicious code in it, is it normally detected by antiviruses?
If both doc files were indeed infected, are there consequences on my openSUSE installation?
Could my system have been infected some way? Would any USB sticks or removable disks I plugged also get infected?
Could Windows partitions (because I have dual-boot) also get bad? (Though I’d like to think they wouldn’t because they’re automatically mounted as directories, but default as read only).
I’ve been told before that Linux distros shouldn’t get infected by Windows viruses, but so many things have happened to me that I became unsure about everything, valid or not…
Thanks beforehand.