Portmapper missing in 11.2

After making a new 11.2 installation on my laptop
I discover the following probem

Whats OK:
WLAN works, get still one uptate package.
NTP works.
DCP works.
DNS works.

Whats NOK:
After setup NIS and automounter, I can see
the nismaps but the automounter doesn’t work.
I enabled logging in /etc/sysconf/autofs and found
a hint in /var/log/messages: automount can’t connect to portmapper.
ps ax shows there is no automounter running.
rpm -qa says there is no portmapper installed.
Inspecting the DVD shows there is no portmap package anywhere.

Any ideas / hints ?


DHCP works.

ps ax shows there is no portmapper running.


Do you have rpcbind installed


Thanx for your feedback.
I checked that rpcbind was installed an the service is enabled (seems that rpcbind is a replacement for portmapper)

Than I enabled debugging for automount and rpcbind
and everything worked well.

I disabled debugging and automounter failed.

It seems that this is a timing problem at boot-time e.g.
sequence of services (overlapping or what ever, a similar problem I discovered with SLES10)

So I turned off parallism of boot-services in /etc/sysconfig/boot: RUN_PARALLEL=“no”

reboot and everything works even without debugging.
I check it 3 times and it seems to be stable.

Thanks again

Good news;)