Port forwarding not working

I am trying to create a minimum web server.
(i) my wireless adaptor has a static address
(ii) apache2 is active (running)
(iii) ss command shows that application is listening on port 80.
(iv) the iptables are configured to ACCEPT for Input, Forward and Output
(v) port forwarding has been configured on router

Yet when I use an online external port checker to test if port 80 is open I get message port 80 is closed. What can I do to resolve problem? Have I missed something? All suggestions are gratefully welcome.

If it’s blocked, then likely to be your ISP blocking it along with things like 25 for smtp etc… On the router internet side set to say 18080 and forward that to port 80 on the internal ip address and try that.

Because your point (v) is contradicory to the result of your test from outside, either you configured your rourter wrong or the router does not work as expected/hpoed. Not something you can repair within openSUSE I am afraid.

What evidence do you have for point (iv)?
Have you used YaST to open HTTP for the public zone in the firewall?
Can you connect to TCP port 80 from another device on the local network?

Your post is not detailed enough about numerous items in your post to verify you’re set up properly. If you want to be sure you’ve posted enough information, you shouldn’t just say you did something, you should post the actual command and its results and in this case also from what machine you ran the command.

So, for example…
(ii) You should verify that you’ve configured your website to be accessible by IP address and not by host headers or some other method that requires name resolution.
(iii) From what machine did you run this command and are you certain you tested your network address and not your localhost address?
(iv) If your configuration is straightforward, you shouldn’t need to configure any forwarding on your webserver system… Only open port 80 for the specific IP address your website is configured. Also, from your terminology I suspect that you’re handcrafting your iptables rules which would be rife for possible errors. The general recommendation is to use a firewall manager instead, openSUSE provides firewalld by default and you can launch as a YaST module. In fact, your commands can also be ineffective because a firewalld rule may be blocking.

My guess is that you are not doing the following which will ease configuration and decrease errors…
If your ultimate requirement is to install a full LAMP and not just an apache webserver, install using the LAMP pattern (zypper or YaST Software Manager)
Use the YaST http server module (yast2-http-server package if not already installed) to configure your webserver
Use the YaST firewall module to configure your openSUSE firewall (When invoked, it will launch firewall-config, which is the firewalld configuration manager)

A lot of this is described in the openSUSE LEAP documentation

IIRC you’ll find the apache documentation in the Reference “book”
You’ll find the firewall documentation in the Security “book”


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It is also a default gateway that is used worldwide by the various popular router and modem brands.