I have available Thunderbird and K Mail that I can set up on Suse. However, the set-up page will not bring up POP for me to set, only the other one (Imap or something like that). How do I get it to show POP? I have all the settings to hand, and have had no problems on Windows. Simple language please!
In KMail, when you add a new account, it asks whether you want the account type as Local mailbox, POP3, IMAP, Disconnected IMAP or Maildir mailbox.
Thunderbird3 works even more convenient. It just asks for your name, e-mail address and password and figures out the rest itself. The user doesn’t have to know anything about the technology underneath.
That doesn’t help if you have the option of POP3 or IMAP as I do with my ISP.
Found the place - thanks…but - I have entered everyting just as I do for Windows (doublechecked everything) and I just get a message “timed out”. Will neither send or receive. Looks as if I had better stick with web mail when using Suse.
Check you configuration again and see. There isn’t anything specific to SUSE.
carnelian22 wrote:
> Found the place - thanks…but - I have entered
> everyting just as I do for Windows (doublechecked everything) and I
> just get a
> message “timed out”. Will neither send or receive. Looks as if I
> had better stick with web mail when using Suse.
does your ISP require authentication?
Do you have the right port on their server? Mine changes from the
[openSUSE 11.2 (, x86_64] KDE 4.3.4 release 2,
Intel Core 2 Dual E7200, 4 GB RAM, GeForce 8400 GS, 320GB Disc (2)
Yea. Also, if you are POP3ing gmail accounts, the port is different.
Many thanks for all of the above. Have finally got there - one of the problems was getting the smtp to show up. Have also now managed to get the pages to show as I like.
Wonder what my next question will be?!!