i tried to install opensuse 11.0 on my laptop
hp 6730s but
in the last step of installation it restarts and then nothing appears
the only thing i can do
is entering on console mode tty1 —> tty6
but no graphical interface lanched even after restarting
also one other thing
is there a way to install the nethwork (ethernet) card !
The main part of the install is followed by a reboot and then some more configuration. In some cases it may be better to disable automatic configuration in the very early stages at the start of the install. That way you can manually configure. Though I’m not certain this will help you, as you don’t get a display after the 1st reboot.
By the way. What happens when you reboot again or shutdown and boot up, do you get the bootloader?
If so you could try this:
Pause the boot by moving the down arrow, then back up to the default boot. But now press backspace, it should delete any text where you can see VGA.
Remove all text and now type just the number:
and hit enter
at the login type your user name and then password
now type:
then the root password
now type this:
sax2 -r -m 0=vesa
(N.B. the 0 is a zero not a letter)
now reboot
hi it is me again
your solution worked but it gave limitated resolution with bic icon
so when i downloaded ATI Catalyst™ 9.2 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Drive sh ./ati-driver-installer-9.2-x86.x86_64.run
and runned it ( i seem silly but i did not check the required libes an packages) rotfl!
usr/bin/aticonfig --initial
i even uninstalled sax2 with yast
this time when i rebooted ( real black screen i cant lanch tty any more)
i even uninstalled sax2
the strange thing is thatwhen i started in opensus safemode i had better resolution of my monitor)
i am sure i am goinig to reinstall opensuse but can i install this driver from the beginnig ?
A re-install may be best for you. It can very often be quicker, and if you don’t really have a running system and user data it’s certainly going to be quicker for you.
You can’t really add the ati driver during install. And I’m not even sure what ATI device is in that Laptop - It may not even support anything but Vesa. In which case 3D is out and there is no need for a driver.
If booting in Failsafe is the only option that works after initial install, use it. Find out more about your ATI chip. If the driver can added, I always add the repo manually. There is more info here: ATI - openSUSE
it is done
i installaed it wich added a new entry on teh grub
Debug – openSUSE 11.0 -
i opened it and used teh following command in su mode sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx
the new entry is woeking perfect but a have a few questions
The older entry openSUSE 11.0 - is not working
can i get rid of it without creating a new problem in laptop rotfl!
if yes
How can i get rid of it
another and last thing
if i install xen virtual ( thing i am going to do ) will it create a problem
can i use a recent kerenel dist then the standardone!
when i installed xen virtuel machine ( aftre entreing under it) se old problem nothing and if try to enter tty1 it reboots
here waht i did from the beginning
1 i added the repository
2 i installed the ati garphic wich cause the apperanc of a new entry in the grub
Debug – openSUSE 11.0 -
i opened it and used teh following command in su mode
sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx
3 i uninstalled The older entry openSUSE 11.0 - is wich was not working not working
4 i installed xen on the new kern called debug = stop same old problem ( no graphic no tty on xen)
5 i upgraded the kernel wich mad apperance of a (pae) kernel
6 i unistalled debug
7 the same pb
8 i added default kern and unistalled pae ( with yast)
9 xen is not running (sae pb)
10 plz i have a school project based on syslog-ng and xen