I’ve just checked my apache error log and it’s filled with this:
[error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/www/htdocs/announce
Every 8 minutes or so.
I’m running rTorrent as daemon on same machine, and I suspect it’s trying to access something like http://localhost/announce.
But that’s just my guess, is it some misconfiguration of rTorrent, and how do I fix that? Or should I just ignore all those errors.
Just an update, it looks like it’s just some torrent added with localhost tracker in it, nothing serious. Can I simply do touch /srv/www/htdocs/announce to get rid of message, or there’s any better way.
P.S. If someone deletes my thread I wont mind, it’s no serious problem
Although I’ve never used rtorrent, I just skimmed the rtorrent User Manual (largely because I’m very interested in anything related to torrent technology), it looks to me like it’s a fairly full featured app which supports both client and tracker (server) configurations, besides non-tracker technology(ies) - at least DHT (don’t see Peer Exchange mentioned).
I guess the first question has to be whether you’re serving (configured as a tracker) torrents. Typically the default URL would be “yourdomain/announce” or some variation thereof. If you don’t know, then maybe you should determine whether it needs to be disabled.
The other possible cause I can think of is that you’re configured as a client and one of your torrent files is configured for something odd “*something */announce” - It could be a misconfigured torrent, a weird attack if the torrentfile came from elsewhere, etc. If you don’t have a viewer built into rtorrent, you should be able to look at the torrentfile contents in a simple text viewer.
I’m more inclined to suspect my first guess though, which could be caused by an activated default config file.
Hi, thanks for reply, I’m also not an expert in rtorrent but it seems to me it’s just a client program like utorrent, one of its main strengths is being small and easy on resources. I havent found any option to enable/disable it as a tracker, so I’m pretty sure it’s misconfigured torrent. I will not try to find out as there are more than 40 torrents running currently, and I have no wish to check each of them to find out which one is causing this. As for now I’ve simply created empty announce file on my server to suppress those messages.