Could you be kind enough to see if this page renders correctly and you can play the flash vids with a solid whole sub window underneath a side scrolling “revolving” selection of video clips on AMD APUs?
Have a problem rendering the page in browsers, but I wonder if it’s my graphics driver to blame, or if it’s FF under Linux bug. I do have plugins like Adblock Plus, but I use them on Other OSes to.
the page’s videos and scroll of selection works ok here with openSUSE
11.4, KDE 4.6.0, Firefox 5.0 and Flash 10.3 r181, with intel graphics &
default intel driver…
Not the addons, it’s quite funny seeing loads of extra adverts!
It could be a 64 bit browser, 32 bit plugin problem… is Intel system above 32 or 64 bit? My 32 bit matrox FOSS driver Tumbleweed box displays the popup flash video fine to.
Any other 64 bit installs with Nvidia, Intel, ATI Proprietary, or ATI FOSS able to view page & films properly, or have a fail like mine with the video clip losing parts of it against the background?
There’s a lot of brokenness in the videos here. The sound is okay, but the video keeps flashing. This is firefox without any significant addons. System is 64 bit, with nvidia 6150 LE and the nouveau driver.
What you should see is a Flash Video popup, with a fairly clear border out of dark line around the video.
What I see is no clear popup, it’s similar to some old taskbar preview issues, and perhaps 1/2 or less of video being played, with also artifacts on the video scroll mechanism. What I saw originally might be described as “flashing” but wasn’t just bright flickering flash like lightnening flash; but parts of video not being rendered at all, and the popup wasn’t either.
I’ve had it working, on 32bit OS, have chance to try 64 bit with an Intel driver in a few; if that works or fails then we have a shrewd idea where the problem lies. Especially if nrickert can get to see it how it is meant to be as well.
Okay, I agree with your description of the problem, as I saw it.
So I tried on my laptop with Intel video. Same problem. That was with “nomodeset” since I have freeze problems with the intel driver. I rebooted to use the intel driver (without “nomodeset”). The same video problems.
I tried on an older 32 bit machine. That was much better. The video was a little jerky, but that is probably a slower processor having trouble keeping up.
Back to my laptop with intel video. The page looks good on Windows 7. That’s 64 bit, but with 32 bit firefox. I then rebooted to opensuse 12.1 M2, which happens to be installed as 32 bit. The video was fine there. Note that the 12.1 M2 system seems to have a slightly older version of flash, although that probably isn’t significant.
It sure looks as if flash on 64 bit firefox is broken.