Hello OpenSuSE community.
Today I am writing hoping someone would help me to figure out how to install the driver for the printer my family receive as christmas gif.
You need to install gcc (and possibly some other devel packages).
Use the yast software manager to select ‘Patterns’ view, then install ‘Base Development’ packages. (You may find other requirements when you run make again).
BTW, are you sure that the driver supports your printer model?
I did installed GCC, I thought OpenSuSE already included a compiler
the instructions included in the directory only says to type make and then type install. I did that before but nothing was happening.
I think I still need to download and install the software from YasT that would allow me to compiled packages, I might need to be point out what these tools are.
My Desktop has Ubuntu in it and that driver worked with the printer. It was easy to install it in the desktop because the developer made a .deb file which is a one click install in Debian base distros.
I assume you have now completed tha ‘make’ step. Reading the ‘INSTALL’ text file (I donwloaded the tarball you linked to), I read it says
You need to convert the program, written in c, into something your computer can run.
To compile, you type:
$ make
You may get messages suggesting you need to install some package (see the (Optional) Install packages section above)
You may get some warnings, you can probably ignore those.
You may get some error messages, if so it's unlikely you can continue.
Install driver, PPD files, and extra files:
Various files need to be copied to folders where the system can find them.
To install, you type:
$ sudo make install
The sudo indicates that you want to do some kind of system modification that you would normally be prevented from doing.
So you get asked for the password the first time you use sudo.
Create printers:
This is where you tell cups about the new printer.
Turn the printer on.