PlayOnLinux + Nvidia drivers?

Hello, I’m running OpenSUSE 13.1 with Enlightenment on ASUS N76VB (Intel CORE i7, Intel HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA GeForce GT740M)
I’ve tried installing the proper Nvidia drivers for my GT740M a couple of imes, once in manual, once in automatic mode, but both times nothing changed, until I added my user into “video” group. That action f@#$ed up everything both times, I got constant freezes and rotated or mirrored picture. So now on a fresh 13.1 install, I’m kinda afraid of touching those proprietary drivers wothout being sure what I’m doing.
The questions are:

  1. Am I actually able to install those and not break everything (if it is so, give a link to a proper guide, please)?
  2. If I install them, can I make PlayOnLinux use them for launching games?
  3. If I use them, can I check whether I did something wrong and PlayOnLinux launched something with my integrated graphics, or everything went right and any fps drops, lag, etc. are related to the drivers themselves?

Looks like you have hybrid graphics (Intel+NVIDIA) You nee bumblebee to sort that out

OTOH, if it’s a desktop with onboard (onCPU, really) intel graphics and a dedicated nvidia card, just disable the onboard video in the BIOS.

I ran into this problem in a i3 + GTX 5xx I assembled yesterday. Just setting priority to the PCIEx card in BIOS (the default, anyway) was not enough.