PlayOnLinux - How to change the installation folder?

Hi, I’ve just installed a huge game in PlayOnLinux and I now regret it because it has eaten all my hd space :frowning:

I need to find those files and delete them, then I need to reconfigure PlayOnLinux so it uses one of my other NTFS hard drives which are much larger.

Could someone tell me how to do it? I’m using OpenSUSE 13.1.

Every product that can be installed (and that thus has a description on how to install it), should also deliver the description how to de-install it. Is that not the case with the product you mention?

Personaly, I wouldn’t install a product that does not have a de-installation prodecure. But YMMV.

Sorry for not being clear. I don’t want to uninstall it, I want to remove the game (all data really) I installed within PlayOnLinux. I created a virtual hard drive called BlacklightRetribution, so I think all I need to do is delete that, where ever that may be.

Once done, I need to change where PlayOnLinux creates its virtual drives. Or better yet, change it first, then simply move the Blacklight virtual drive to my other hard drive.

Play on Linux is based on wine so I’d look on my home directory for this data. It should be there some where.

You could use the locate or find command to do a search use

man find
man locate

for details

On 03/20/2014 07:56 AM, Astralogic wrote:>
> Hi, I’ve just installed a huge game in PlayOnLinux and I now regret it
> because it has eaten all my hd space :frowning:
> I need to find those files and delete them, then I need to reconfigure
> PlayOnLinux so it uses one of my other NTFS hard drives which are much
> larger.
> Could someone tell me how to do it? I’m using OpenSUSE 13.1.

POL saves it in ~/.playonlinux or ~/.POL (cannot remember which and I am
not using it right now)

Also, you should just delete the virtual drive POL created from the
drive management area (which I think you have already found)

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openSUSE 13.1
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