I recently installed Tumbleweed and VLC worked out-of-the-box.
This is great. But I can’t play a video CD/DVD/optical-disk.
I can play files, like .mp3 or .mp4 from like /home/rhyader/whatever ,
but not a video disk like “Dark Shadows”. This disk play does not
work in linux with either VLC or Dragonplayer. But the very same disk
plays when I run Windows. Any suggestions?
YaST Repositories → Add → Community repos → libdvdcss repository
Install libdvdcss2
I added the libdvdcss repository and installed “libdvdcss” stuff.
I also added myself to groups that seem related to audio/visual media.
Now it works on most disks. Upon sticking the disk in suse will pop up a dialog
with the option to “open with VLC.” Good. I still have one funky kind of disk to work on:
it is a custom made disk with both audio and video of a community orchestra. Works in
Winblows. Still working on it in Linux.