Play / Convert a .img file

Hi all;

I’ve been sent an IMG file (3.5gb) of the new year shenanigans; it’s in a full dvd format with menus and chapters etc. It’s been created and saved as a .img file and I really don’t know what to do with it!

In windows I had simple DVD software that would open .iso & .img files and allow me to play and extract what I wanted; but I’m not sure where to start with openSUSE.

What I’d like to do is just extract the bits that feature the fireworks at midnight; but it would be nice to view the whole 2hrs.

Any pointers please…is there something in the software repository that I can use?

Well, I guess any Video Player should be able to play it (I tried MPlayer and VLC right now, both did fine. Kaffeine and Xine could play the DVD image as well, but you had to explicitely open it as DVD)

Or try to mount it first, either with “mount” in the command line, or use AcetoneISO f.e.

Acitone worked a treat.

Was able to extract the .vob files from the original .img; so should be able to work on them in kdenlive. Cheers.