I used the network monitor as a windowed widget in Plasma 5. After the first Plasma 6 release right clicking on the window no longer brings up the menu with the configuration option.
It’s either bug in my system or Plasma. I haven’t reported it yet because I thought they’d find it. But windowed widgets doesn’t seem to be too well known among users so maybe nobody else has found it.
In konsole run this and let me know if it works.
plasmawindowed --statusnotifier org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.net
The “–statusnotifier” option places the widget into the tray. You can click on it and it’ll popup, then click it again and it’ll disappear. You should be able to click on it to open it, right click on the network graph window and select configure, just like a widget on the desktop. To close it, just right click on the tray icon and select close.