Tumbleweed 64 bit, KDE
I have been using Tumbleweed for the last couple of days and this little problem appeared.
Nothing serious, just annoying.
The problem:
plasma-nm5 is not using the default kwallet with gpg, but instead is creating it’s own wallet in /home/USER/.local/share/kwalletd,
which shows up in kwalletmanager, but it doesn’t have any password stored
Stuff I have done:
– Deleted the kwalletd folder, hoping it would trigger the wallet creation wizard in the next boot. It doesn’t happen. Instead, a dialog
appears saying “kded5 has requested to open kwallet -yadda, yadda, yadda- Enter password to use with this wallet”. Then it creates
a wallet in the location described above
Other stuff
[FONT=arial]-- kwalletd5 is installed
– I can create wallets and change the default one to use. Plasma-nm ignores it in favor of using it’s own
– I read somewhere, I lost the link, that said that kde’s connection editor should have an option to enable password encryptation
with kwallet. I didn’t found that option
So, what I want to ask is: How do I make plasma-nm5 use the default wallet with gpg?