plasma-nm5 is creating an independent wallet, not the default with gpg [Kwallet]

Tumbleweed 64 bit, KDE


I have been using Tumbleweed for the last couple of days and this little problem appeared.
Nothing serious, just annoying.

The problem:
plasma-nm5 is not using the default kwallet with gpg, but instead is creating it’s own wallet in /home/USER/.local/share/kwalletd,
which shows up in kwalletmanager, but it doesn’t have any password stored

Stuff I have done:
– Deleted the kwalletd folder, hoping it would trigger the wallet creation wizard in the next boot. It doesn’t happen. Instead, a dialog
appears saying “kded5 has requested to open kwallet -yadda, yadda, yadda- Enter password to use with this wallet”. Then it creates
a wallet in the location described above

Other stuff
[FONT=arial]-- kwalletd5 is installed
– I can create wallets and change the default one to use. Plasma-nm ignores it in favor of using it’s own
– I read somewhere, I lost the link, that said that kde’s connection editor should have an option to enable password encryptation
with kwallet. I didn’t found that option


So, what I want to ask is: How do I make plasma-nm5 use the default wallet with gpg?


There are basically, two "kwallet"s. There’s one for KDE4, and one for Plasma 5. Presumably, when all applications are migrated, the one for KDE4 will disappear.

I have not been able to find a way of using a “gpg” key with the Plasma5 kwallet. So I put up with two of them.

I’m pretty sure that I am mostly using the Plasma 5 wallet at present. But older applications will use the KDE4 wallet.

The content of your KDE4 wallet was supposed to be migrated when you first used the Plasma5 wallet. Otherwise, maybe you can export to a file, then import to the Plasma5 wallet. I have not yet tried that.