I have problems with my laptop since few weeks. I think the video card crashed because off a driver problem?? Doe someone have a solution? Plasma KDE DRKonqi crash
I have problems with my laptop since few weeks. I think the video card crashed because off a driver problem?? Doe someone have a solution? Plasma KDE DRKonqi crash
That dmesg tail doesn’t indicate what core-dumped. If you pastebin (e.g. ‘dmesg | susepaste’) the entire dmesg we should be able to say what next steps to take. Also report your CPU/GPU. Input/output from ‘inxi -GSxxz’ you can paste here using PRE tags (</> icon) to do that.
Are you able to reach your normal login screen? If yes, try logging into a different session type, both X11 Plasma instead of Wayland Plasma or vice versa, or IceWM instead of Plasma.
the output of coredumpctl
might also be pretty useful.