I’m using openSUSE 12.3 (up to date), Xorg 1.13.2, fglrx 12.104-4 and KDE 4.10.5.
Since about 1-2 weeks ago, I have trouble opening programs past a certain time after boot, where programs would stop telling me “Maximum number of clients reached” which comes from the X-server (as far as I can tell). The total number of connections given by xlsclients varies between 110 and 150 when it happens, including usually about 40-50 connections by plasma-desktop alone. Here is a complete list of connections in a situation as described, having only urxvt, Firefox, Thunderbird, Skype and Dropbox running on top of plasma. Using a different DE (tried i3 and razorqt) did not result in this problems, as those peak at around 30-40 connections including open programs.
My question here is, is it normal for plasma and the rest of KDE to open this amount of connections and if so, is there a (hopefully easy) way of increasing the maximum number of accepted connections by X?
This was what I thought as well, and I was also confused by the fact that the critical number of connections varied by 20 or more connections. Thanks for the hint, I hope I can resolve this problem, as I need fglrx.
So I added -noreset to the start-parameters of X and so far there seem to be no further problems, running about 130 clients for a whole day, I guess this one is solved.