Anyone else have x rage out when trying to use Task Switcher flip switch? It also happens when shutting down dialogue pops up, (I had a dependency issue when upgrading, but chose to uninstall the package in question.)
Anyone else have x rage out when trying to use Task Switcher flip switch? It also happens when shutting down dialogue pops up, (I had a dependency issue when upgrading, but chose to uninstall the package in question.)
Works fine here.
But this sounds like a graphics driver issue, or a KWin bug in combination with a specific driver/chipset.
(I had a dependency issue when upgrading, but chose to uninstall the package in question.)
And which one?
If it wasn’t your graphics driver, it shouldn’t be relevant though…
Hmmm, yes, you are of course right!
The package in question was KDE-4 something, ignoring unprovidable dependency or keeping obsolete package would not really be viable moving forward. I have an AMD APU (donna ask me which one though!) Using the open source driver.
Yes, there were a few Obsoletes missing in the packages which caused some KDE4 packages not being replaced automatically (i.e. causing a conflict you had to resolve manually).
Should be fixed meanwhile (for the known cases at least), but I’m not sure if all those recent changes are in the repo yet.
You likely did the right thing though.
I have an AMD APU (donna ask me which one though!) Using the open source driver.
Well, you could check (glxinfo | grep render) to see OpenGL and direct rendering is working correctly. But I suppose if not, kwin would turn off those effects automatically, and you would probably have other problem as well anyway.
You could also try to play with the Compositing System settings in systemsettings5->Display and Monitor->Compositor (try a different OpenGL version).
In case of a supported chipset (HD5000 and up), you could of course also install the fglrx driver.
Or just don’t use “Flip Switch” and disable the logout effect as a workaround.
Other than that I can only suggest to file a bug report at http://bugs.kde.org/ or ask at the KDE forums (http://forum.kde.org/ ) The kwin maintainers should have more insight.
Thx for info.
I will chance the KDE forums, tho GL 3.0 seems marginally more stable.