I am kind of new to OpenSuse I need a little help, please
When I try to install an RPM by right clicking on it and say open with package install i get the following error
“KDEInit could not launch ‘gpk-install-local-file’:
Could not open library ‘libkdeinit5_gpk-install-local-file’.
Cannot load library libkdeinit5_gpk-install-local-file: (libkdeinit5_gpk-install-local-file: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)”
I installed from the DVD and I use Plasma 5 as my Desktop Environment. When I double click it just opens Ark.
then if you want to install a local rpm with yast from dolphin do this: #1 create a new desktop file called yast-software-installer so open a terminal and execute this
kate ~/.local/share/applications/yast-software-installer.desktop
#3 save the file
now when right clicking on an rpm in dolphin (or other file managers) you will have a new command “YaST Software Installer” that will allow you to install said rpm file
It seems at face value that the RPM in question requires a shared library that is not installed. What RPM, and where did it come from? Installing packages from without the openSUSE or Packman Leap-42.1 repositories is generally not advisable for beginners. If you can install from the default installed repositories with YaST most problems will disappear. It is often easier to compile and install from source than to install an alien package.
I installed from the DVD and I use Plasma 5 as my Desktop Environment. When I double click it just opens Ark.
Have you applied the latest patches (with YaST Online Update)? Double-clicking is generally an Apple and Microsoft affectation (to avoid blatant copying of pre-existing Unix systems and enable their copyright an patent claims for trivial variations) – the default in Unix and Linux derivatives is a single click. RPMs open in Ark because the packages are archives of compressed files (as are Open Document files). The default response to a “click” can be changed in “System Settings -> Applications -> File Associations”.