April 2, 2010, 4:09pm
I have recently installed pidgin 2.6.6 in Suse 11.2. when i try to start an audio conversation it throws error as below
(11:03:39 PM) Error creating session: No codecs for media type audio detected
(11:03:40 PM) The call has been terminated.
What could be the problem any idea. I have skype and ekiga installed working fine. my other multimedia applications are also working fine…
Any help would be appreciated
thanks in advance
Hello jojesh and welcome to the community!
I have recently installed pidgin 2.6.6 in Suse 11.2. when i try to start an audio conversation it throws error as below
(11:03:39 PM) Error creating session: No codecs for media type audio detected
(11:03:40 PM) The call has been terminated.
Does this error popup? Or is this the output of the terminal?
If it isn’t terminal output pleas run it from terminal and post your output.
Did it worked before? Or did this happen on the first run?
And could you tell us if you use KDE or GNOME?
Good luck!
Did you install the multimedia packages?