picard missing python-yaml dependency

One of the copious Tumbleweed updates seems to have messed with the picard package/application. Starting it gave me an error that the python yaml module is missing. Installing the python yaml packages from the repositories seems to have fixed the issue. I guess the dependencied need to be updated?


The package mentioned bugreport.opensuse as contact and the bug report page mentioned the forum as one of the places to go. I don’t have a bugzilla account, but I do have an account here, so that’s where I went.

If your logged in here, you have a bugzilla account as well with the openSUSE SSO system :wink: Head over to openSUSE:Submitting bug reports - openSUSE

If that is still correct, you can use the same credentials at the bugzilla as you have here.

Yeah, that actually worked! It wouldn’t let me login until I disabled the restrict IP address checkblx, but I now managed to submit the bug.

Yeah, it worked. It wouldn’t let me log in until I disabled the restrict IP address option, but I now managed to submit the bug.

People here always appreciate when you post a link to the report here. Then those inertested can follow what happens and can eventual add their own information.

Oh, I didn’t think of that, thanks for the notice:

Looks good. Thanks.