phpmyadmin problem

Hi All!

I’d downloaded phpmyadmin from here:

I’d installed it. But it dosen’t work.
The apache2 and the mysql are works fine.

Can anybody help me, how to fix phpmyadmin?!

By fixing the error :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t dare complain I’m not being very helpful I have nothing to go on. Neither does anyone else.

This is quite inadequate to inform anybody (except from those with working crystal balls) anything about what you experience as a problem.

We need facts! A good problem description exists of three parts:

  1. what you did (we prefer with copy/past of the exact statements you typed);
  2. what you thought that would happen;
  3. what did happen instead (again copy/past of (error) messages).

And FeatherMonkey is right. We are all in this fur fun. Getting no information at all is no fun.

  1. what you did (we prefer with copy/past of the exact statements you typed);
    I’d installed the phpmyadmin, right?!

  2. what you thought that would happen;
    If I wrote localhost/phpmyadmin to the url, then come up the phpmyadmin page.

  3. what did happen instead (again copy/past of (error) messages).
    Only this error message happened:
    Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
Wed May 13 10:26:29 2009
Apache/2.2.11 (Linux/SUSE)

I hope, enough this, for your questions.

Try http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/

Uppercase M and A are important.

Thank you! I never know that. I thought enough just this localhost/phpmyadmin. Under ubuntu, or win that it was enough.
I learn something new:)

Linux is case sensitive. What Ubuntu probably did is add this to (their version of) /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf:

Alias /phpmyadmin /srv/www/htdocs/phpMyAdmin

for people like you. :slight_smile: You can add that too, if you like. Remember to restart Apache for this to take effect.

Well I can login to date base. But now my browser firefox can’t read the local library. This is the srv/www/htdocs directory. I’d deleted some default necessary files like index.php, favicon.ico, etc. from here. I’d leave just the phpmyadmin folder and then copy my personal files to here, but I have an error in firefox:

Access forbidden!

You don’t have permission to access the requested directory. There is either no index document or the directory is read-protected.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 403
Wed May 13 14:34:24 2009
Apache/2.2.11 (Linux/SUSE)

I don’t know what is it, because i have root legal (rwx) up the htdocs folder.

Can You help me again?!

Hash: SHA1

Also keep in mind that all computers are, by default, case-sensitive. It
is in a computer’s nature to consider ‘a’ (0x41) and ‘A’ (0x61) as
different characters; if that were not the case you wouldn’t see a
difference here or anywhere else. If a computer acts in a
case-insensitive (or simply case-aware) manner then it’s because the
computer is doing extra processing to handle either ‘a’ or ‘A’ the same
way which doesn’t usually help that much in my opinion and just makes
things confusing when you use any of the other software in the world that
doesn’t waste time on this.

Good luck.

ken yap wrote:
> Linux is case sensitive. What Ubuntu probably did is add this to (their
> version of) /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf:
> Code:
> --------------------
> Alias /phpmyadmin /srv/www/htdocs/phpMyAdmin
> --------------------
> for people like you. :slight_smile: You can add that too, if you like. Remember to
> restart Apache for this to take effect.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


That depends on what the URL is you asked for. As in your first post, you forget to give the real information like:
I asked for http://localhost/
We can **not **see from here what you are doing!

BTW if you asked for the URL above, it is clear why you get the error. Because you ask then for the server-root of the website, which is a directory. When Apache is asked for a directory it first looks if there is an index.html in there and then it will send back http:/localhost/index.html. When there is no index.html, it will try to give a directory listing (a bit like a file manager), but this feature must be switched on in Apache. It is not by default for security reasons.

All right! I understand you.