Since installing KDE 4.3.0 on Monday, everytime time I exit phpMyAdmin
something is corrupting If I cope in backup copy of and restart the services phpMyAdmin works again. Command line
to DB works fine.
Has anyone else experienced problems with phpMyAdmin after upgrade to kde
Did you tried gui tools for mysql like:
mysql administrator and mysql query browser.
You can install it from yast by typing,
> A guess: using phpmyadmin for mysql?
> Did you tried gui tools for mysql like:
> mysql administrator and mysql query browser.
> You can install it from yast by typing,
> mysql-administrator
> mysql-query-browser
No but I will try them later today.
> Hi,
> which browser do you use? If you are not using Konqueror nothing should
> have changed
I’m using Konqueror.
Version 4.3.00 (KDE 4.3.0) “release 155”
Funny part I get past login screen and when I select a database, it gives
error and says to correct my php configuration. I have not changed anything
in my config. It was all working with kde4.2.4.
Why is still modifiable by wwwrun (the Apache account)? Once you have configured it, you should chown it or remove write access to its directory.