[Sun Aug 03 19:45:29 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function php_info() in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 2
I wrote this phpinfo script because I couldn’t start phpldapadmin.
After correction, phpinfo() script is functionning.
But I still couldn’t start phpldapadmin (Error message on a blank page → Fatal error: Call to undefined function _() in /srv/www/htdocs/phpldapadmin- on line 513 ).
By the way, when I double click on a php file, I get a message from firefox : “what should firefox do with this file ? open with / save ?”
[Mon Aug 04 20:02:31 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function _() in /srv/www/htdocs/phpldapadmin- on line 513
If you really want to double-click on a php file, then you need to change the file association for php files.
Right-click a php file, and select "open with… " and choose a text editor (whatever you have installed, eg I use Quanta). From there you can also set this as the default application for opening php files.
I want to start directly the php file in firefox, not edit the file. I have associated php file with firefox in konkeror but it is not working.
When I double click on htlm file, it opens directky with firefox. I want the same behaviour with php file.
Why would you want to do that? Firefox can’t interpret the php tags and so will probably just display them as text on the page.
Do you want to edit the page (code) or view the final result?
It’s a bit late as it looks like you got there, but if somebody else should come along and fall over this one (as I did earlier) it’s gettext that is missing from your server (or else the php5 gettext module).
Make sure you’ve got gettext and php5-gettext packages installed - if not, install them and restart apache.