PHP error reporting level

What’s the best way/place to set the error reporting level for PHP under Apache2?
Before I reinstalled everything on my server I had it set to report ALL errors, and I’d like to have it configured like that again.

I see some options in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini but it doesn’t seem this is the file I modified before as I have my old /etc/ folder backed up and compared the backup with the current via the sdiff -l command and the files were equal (except for one line unrelated to error reporting).

I’m well aware that it is a possible security risk, but I’m developing on this testserver and would like to produce code as error free as possible… and in order to do see I’ve to actually see the errors

Ah nevermind… found it with the help of
diff -r /home/xxxxx/Backup/etc/php5 /etc/php5

Never realised my backup would be this useful… or that such powerful commands were possible from a simple console :). Returned the filenames of the files that differed and the line number / character.
(Most importantly it made me feel smart… after messing up things the entire day)

For those who are looking to do the same, the file is

line #375, simply change the “display_error = Off” to "display_errors = On"
Don’t forget to restart apache2 afterwards!