php does not work

Some 10 years ago I have been programming with php within web pages, and there was never any problem. Now, trying it again, I do encounter a problem. Php does not work. The simple function

echo “Hallo World”;

Does not work – nothing appears in a browser. In the blueFish editor, the first line appears underlined red, an indication that the statement is not recognized by Appache.

The following packages are installed and activated:
apache2 version 2.4.23-31-1
apache2-mod_php7 version 7.0.7-52.1
php7 version 7.0.7-52.1
OS is SUSElinux version 42.3
all software has been downloaded from the official openSUSE repositories.

Is there anything else missing, or do I have to do something about the configuration settings?
I did not find any clue on the intelligent web pages.

Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.

Is the php7 module enabled and apache restarted?

a2enmod -l
a2enmod php7
systemctl restart apache2

Hi Malcolm

Thank you for your speedy answer. I followed your advise, and the following is the output from the 3 commands.

linux-egbert:/home/egbert # a2enmod -l
actions alias auth_basic authn_file authz_host authz_groupfile authz_core authz_user autoindex cgi dir
env expires include log_config mime negotiation setenvif ssl socache_shmcb userdir reqtimeout authn_cor
e php7
linux-egbert:/home/egbert # a2enmod php7
“php7” already present
linux-egbert:/home/egbert # systemctl restart apache2
linux-egbert:/home/egbert #

Still, there is no output from the php7 function in the browser.
I also restarted the computer, to no avail.

Anything else I can do to fix this?

That is strange, because when you try to load a page that is in fact a PHP script from Apache in a browser and Apache, for some reason, does not run the PHP script, the browser should show the text of the script and not a blank page.

On Mon, 21 Jan 2019 03:56:04 +0000, nicari wrote:

> Some 10 years ago I have been programming with php within web pages, and
> there was never any problem. Now, trying it again, I do encounter a
> problem. Php does not work. The simple function
> <?php echo “Hallo World”;
> ?>
> Does not work – nothing appears in a browser. In the blueFish editor,
> the first line appears underlined red, an indication that the statement
> is not recognized by Appache.
> The following packages are installed and activated:
> apache2 version 2.4.23-31-1 apache2-mod_php7 version
7.0.7-52.1 php7
> version 7.0.7-52.1 OS is SUSElinux version 42.3 all software has been
> downloaded from the official openSUSE repositories.
> Is there anything else missing, or do I have to do something about the
> configuration settings?
> I did not find any clue on the intelligent web pages.
> Any help would be highly appreciated.
> Thank you.

What do you see if you view the page source when you browse to it?

I ask because the text you’re displaying isn’t HTML, and it may be that
the browser isn’t rendering it because it’s raw text (though it
shouldn’t do that, it may well be)

Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at


I noticed the funny quotes in your snippet. After quickly creating a php-file and copying/pasting your snippet, I got an empty page in my browser as well.

This was in my /var/log/apache/error_log:

[Mon Jan 21 22:49:54.871080 2019] [php7:emerg] [pid 6196] [client] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘World\xe2\x80\x9d’ (T_STRING), expecting ‘,’ or ‘;’ in /home/leen/public_html/hallo.php on line 2

Did you get something similar in your error_log?

Does your php-file load correctly after you replace both the “ (U+201C) and the ” (U+201D) with " (U+0022)? (Mine did).

Kind regards,

Leen Meyer

Thanks very much for your help. php works now.
The last error was my own fault, I simply forgot to rename the file from .html to .php.
Thanks again.