Using XFCE. Could someone please reccomend a simple application to create an HTML album of photos with associated text details?
Thanks in advance.
Using XFCE. Could someone please reccomend a simple application to create an HTML album of photos with associated text details?
Thanks in advance.
Doing it in HTML is not simple unless every photograph is exactly the same dimensions and orientation and at 72px per inch. Most cameras generate photos at 300 px per inch. It gets more complicated if you want to view the photos on multiple devices as smartphones do better with smaller images and computers with larger ones. So I doubt what you are looking for exists.
Perhaps explaining what you want to achieve rather than specifying how you want to achieve it might be more helpful.
Thanks for your response.
My partner paints with oils. I would like to submit a portfolio of her work to a number of galleries. I did the same for someone else twenty years ago using CD’s and creating an HTML. But today gallery managers may be using notebooks without DVD drives. USB sticks would be the simplest solution. I would prefer not to use a web page. They are very momentary as opposed to a USB that hangs around a desk drawer. And I would like to avoid commonly used presentation software as it all starts to look the same. The portfolio should be accessible under all operating systems which is why I would like to use HTML. It’s readable by any browser and any O.S. And yes, in my last portfolio HTML I had to convert everything to 72px per inch and resize.
I will try to be flexible as to method, since methods have changed.
Perhaps consider using imagemagick to create a single pdf file from the images…
For example, to combine all *.jpg files to a single pdf file
magick path-to-files/*.jpg path-to-file/output-file-name.pdf
If your wish is to create a collection written in HTML,
You’re creating a mini website.
If you have some basic HTML coding skills… like how to set up the basic elements of an HTML page, and how to embed some image tags, that’d be the minimum you’d need to create a no-frills page.
You don’t even need to know the HTML code… There are a number of simple WYSIWYG editors (even the ones installed in whatever DE you have installed probably can do this) to more capable IDE.
If everything is written in straight HTML, you won’t even need to deploy on a web server, web browsers can typically open HTML files directly.
An alternative or option is also to start with a template,
So for instance there are SPA (Single Page Application) templates which contain the framework for multiple web pages all coded within a single file. This type of template also typically includes some kind of theming and formatting, usually implemented as a javascript framework which can be packaged with the HTML page or automatically downloadable from the Internet when the page is first opened.
You also have options for distributing your HTML code (and assets like images).
You can zip the entire website in an archive and send it to someone, or you can deploy it on the Internet. There are a number of places you can deploy HTML/Javascript websites for free on the Internet, github and gitlab are two well known and popular places to do so.
I use jAlbum since 2013. It’s great for presenting your photos in the home network: JAlbum im Heimnetz - jAlbum Wiki
I thank you all for the help. It will be some time before all the photos arrive. Then I will experiment with your suggestions and report on the results.