since last update (yesterday evening), pgadmin4 has been upgraded to 4.26 version. It asks now for a login name and password, both related to an account of which I have no idea. There seems to be no way to create one. So for the moment, I have lost the ability to use pgadmin4, and that’s very annoying since all my sites’DB are postgresql.
I surfed pgadmin4 documentation and found nothing about it. It’s just as if having an account was a natural and thus obvious thing, which didn’t require any explanation. I tried to uninstall and reinstall pgadmin4 in the hope that a previously skipped step would appear. It didn’t.
If you have an immediate and extreme need to re-access anything that’s installed in the root partition of your system (which is where pgadmin4 is installed), you should be able to simply use snapper to roll back to an image before your last upgrade.
If you want to troubleshoot, it’s important that you post the exact command you executed and the error that results.
I’m not used to snapper, but I could learn. In the meanwhile I dropped 4.26 and installed 4.22, which was the only other choice possible with yast. It works. I can freeze any further upgrade, but it’s not very satisfying… I once installed a recent standalone version of pgadmin4 which asked for credentials too, but it gaved me the opportunity to choose them before. (Strangely, it doesn’t work any longer either, giving the error “Failed to create the directory /var/lib/pgadmin” … I assume this is related to a configuration recently modified by zypper update when it upgraded my main version to 4.26 ?)
And I understand that it’s easier to help with the commands and their outputs, but I launch pgadmin4 from the dash (application launcher) and not on command line…
I had some other issues with pgadmin4 ; the one I mentioned above was possibly related to my own configuration, because I had installed another version with pip and it could be the reason why the new identification system, which appeared in pgadmin recently (version > 4.22 I think) considered that I had already initialized my credentials and didn’t propose any. But I’m just speculating about it, I don’t really know. Another thing to consider, is that credentials are asked when installing on command-line, so what if you install with yast or update with zypper ?
So I fell back to 4.22 version, but today’s update was 4.26 again and this time it left me with a bug that appeared on 2 different machines and that I filed on bugzilla.
The solution came finally from pip again and I think it is worth sharing on a dedicated thread I’m going to add right now : “how to get pgadmin4 working”, in the hope it could help when one has some urgent work to do and a GUI is required for postgresql database management.