Personal Email Address

Ok is there a good application on or compatable with openSUSE 11.1 that automatically installs a personal email address for you and if not how do I install a personal email address for my host to be

Yes, it’s called a mail server or SMTP server.

If your ISP doesn’t mind you running a SMTP server, then sure you can install one. But soon you will find that heaps of infected PCs on the Internet will keep hammering your SMTP server to try send you spam or try to relay spam through your machine. Are you comfortable with that? A business has no choice, they have to keep their mailboxes available and try to filter out the junk mail as best as they can, but do you want this level of traffic, to have a personal mailbox?

I do want a personal mail address, i’m currently trying to teach
myself how to run and secure my own server with linux and if you
could tell me how to create and manage a personal email address
with named that would help and be
really awsome.!!!

There are lots of tutes on the web. Try this one, for example:

The Perfect Server - OpenSUSE 11 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

to complicated I can’t learn that for some reason. like what files should I look for and where should I look for them.

Setting servers is not a beginner’s task.

ken yap wrote:

> Setting servers is not a beginner’s task.

In this case, it looks like the question is it’s own answer :wink:

Will Honea