Permissions on a second hard drive


I rebuilt my computer by putting in a new HDD and installing openSUSE 13.2. On the old HDD, I had 13.1. While I was still using the old HDD, I had a second HDD installed that is formatted ext4. I could access the disk fine, but now with the new HDD, I always have to enter the root password. I also want to rename how it’s being mounted. How can I do this?


Use YaST Partitioner, but ensure when editing the partition you ensure the radio button is set to not format, then set your mount point eg /data and it will create the mount point and add the /etc/fstab entry for you.

Hi Malcolm,

Thanks so very much! This worked like a charm. Much appreciated!


My advice: always look into what YaST can offer you when you want to do some system management. YaST is one of the main reasons for many to use openSUSE, thus it is a bit counter intuitive to ignore it.