I just did a clean install of opensuse. On one of my paths I have xfs with ownership of plex:users, the idea being that both the plex app and me can edit on that file system. This worked fine before the reinstall.
However, I couldn’t edit. I then noticed there was a change so that my user now had a group of my own name instead of users. Okay, so I added users, to my user’s groups but still I did not have permissions.
I disable appArmor, that didn’t help.
I don’t know why when I add another group to my user through yast that I don’t get the ability to edit on a file system with that group.
I guess I can change the file system to the group reg but that doesn’t answer why I don’t get permissions when I add a group to my user.
Please always show what your computer says. In this case things like ls -l of at least one of the files you have problems with. (Now you tell, but do not show, something about ownership, but nothing about the permissions ).
And indeed, since some time there is a change in the installation of the first user during system installation. Earlier this was <username>:users, now it is <username>:<username> . I have no idea why, but confusing for those who use openSUSE already for some time.
Never mind. In the process of setting up something to show I ended up reasserting the permissions from the top down:
sudo find multimedia -type d -exec chmod 2775 '{}' \;
sudo find multimedia -type f -exec chmod 664 '{}' \;
and that seems to have fixed it.
I guess that goes along with I had to do a chown since reinstalling made the system user something completely different (gnome-… instead of plex), I didn’t think I would have to also reassert the permissions. In any case, it’s working as it should now.