?!? "Permission denied" But I own the script, and it's permisionsare -rwxr-xr-x ?!?

I’ve been using this script for a long time to swap in a modified spellchecker word list
that has the correct spelling of all the fictional names, places, and other things used
in my book that I wouldn’t want to pass spell check if I was writing something else.
Then it opens a specific set of LyX documents, an LibreOffice document, and a blank
leafpad doc. Then after spinning off LyX, LibreOffice and leafpad, it fires up a
midnight commander shell in the appropriate directory… When I’m done, I close that
instance of midnight commander and my script resumes, swapping out the story-line dictionary
files in favor of the non-storyline version.

I use it to set up everything I need to work on the book I’m writing.
Well that and the online dictionaries I use to help me find the right word…

The script itself is located on my data partition and selected via a symbolic link in
my user “bin” on each of the three installed Linux distro’s I might be using when I
decide to work on my book. That way, if I modify the script to load a different set
of supporting documents, I only need to edit ONE copy of the script…

But I’ve just moved my stuff into a new desktop PC {Well new to me, My brother in
law murdered his copy of win7 and gave me the quad core HP Pavilion that used to be
his winbox.} It replaced my old xp era mono-processor Pavilion.

I installed and configured Mageia Linux (where this same script works on the new PC)
then I installed and configured Leap. Everything seemed to be working correctly.
All my personal keybindings do what they are supposed to. My openbox user environment
feels right. And I’d tested several of my other scripts. Then after testing that LyX
and LibreOffice worked properly this afternoon, I decided to work on my book a bit
tonight. Accordingly I ran my script. Or tried to…

I just wanted to work on my book’s plot for a while. I mean I interrupted the process
to move into my new Linux box. It’s almost been two weeks since I actually worked on
my book. And after tonight I still need to install and configure a third Linux. (I
suspect I’ll go with antiX for that again.)

But now I’m worried that something isn’t right with my Leap installation.

JtWdyP -> /home/jtwdyp/tmp
> j-stg
bash: /home/jtwdyp/bin2nd/j-stg: Permission denied
JtWdyP -> /home/jtwdyp/tmp
> ls -l ~/bin2nd/j-stg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 jtwdyp users 33 Jun 20 16:40 /home/jtwdyp/bin2nd/j-stg -> /home/jtwdyp/STUFFit/allbin/j-stg
JtWdyP -> /home/jtwdyp/tmp
> ls -l ~/STUFFit/allbin/j-stg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jtwdyp users 6353 Jan 25 14:01 /home/jtwdyp/STUFFit/allbin/j-stg
JtWdyP -> /home/jtwdyp/tmp

What am I missing here? I mean there isn’t some new bash policy that forbids using a
symlink to start a user owned script or something, is there???

I suppose it might be helpful if I enclosed a copy of the script itself…

Does anyone have a clue why bash is giving me: “Permission denied” when I try to run
my script???


It would appear that on Jun 22, JtWdyP did say:

> I’ve been using this script for a long time to {bla bla bla}

-snipped. . . . . . . . . .stuff

> But now I’m worried that something isn’t right with my Leap installation.

> JtWdyP -> /home/jtwdyp/tmp
> > j-stg
> bash: /home/jtwdyp/bin2nd/j-stg: Permission denied
> JtWdyP -> /home/jtwdyp/tmp
> > ls -l ~/bin2nd/j-stg
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 jtwdyp users 33 Jun 20 16:40 /home/jtwdyp/bin2nd/j-stg -> /home/jtwdyp/STUFFit/allbin/j-stg
> JtWdyP -> /home/jtwdyp/tmp
> > ls -l ~/STUFFit/allbin/j-stg
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 jtwdyp users 6353 Jan 25 14:01 /home/jtwdyp/STUFFit/allbin/j-stg
> JtWdyP -> /home/jtwdyp/tmp
> >

What am I missing here? I mean there isn’t some new bash policy that forbids using a
symlink to start a user owned script or something, is there???

-snipped. . . . . . . . . .stuff

I found the problem… Even though I did remember to add this to my Leap installation:


# /etc/udev/rules.d/99-local-disk.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="J-drive-8", OWNER="jtwdyp", GROUP="root"

I apparently forgot to change this:


LABEL=J-drive-8 /home/jtwdyp/J-drive-8 ext3    defaults,user,noauto   0   0

into this:


LABEL=J-drive-8 /home/jtwdyp/J-drive-8 ext3    defaults,owner,noauto   0   0

Works now!


But if I actually knew everything, then I’d know I was an idiot…