Permanently Disable KDE Plasma's Update Manager?


Running openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE 64Bit fully updated.
openSUSE’s update manager conflicts with KDE Plasma’s update manager.

How can I permanently disable KDE Plasma’s update manager?
Let me know, thanks!


Here you go…

One of many threads…

I disable it in system tray settings.

Same here (and as the thread also describes).

I removed (or did not install at system installation) PackageKit.

That will disable the applet for all your users, not only the one you are talking about now and not at the discretion of every user him/herself, but forced by you as system manager. And it will disable it for all types of desktop, not only KDE.

Could you elaborate? I have one VM with Tumbleweed KDE using default update applet in KDE and so far I did not notice any conflicts. For a start - what exactly is “openSUSE’s update manager”? Do you mean YOU (YaST Online Update)?

Users can easily do and undo that:

**erlangen:~ #** zypper remove --clean-deps PackageKit           
Reading installed packages... 
Resolving package dependencies... 

The following 7 packages are going to be REMOVED:
  PackageKit PackageKit-backend-zypp PackageKit-branding-openSUSE PackageKit-gtk3-module PackageKit-lang plasma5-pk-updates plasma5-pk-updates-lang 

7 packages to remove. 
After the operation, 4.0 MiB will be freed. 
**Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): **
(1/7) Removing PackageKit-gtk3-module-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(2/7) Removing PackageKit-lang-1.2.1-5.1.noarch ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(3/7) Removing plasma5-pk-updates-lang-0.3.2-10.3.noarch ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(4/7) Removing plasma5-pk-updates-0.3.2-10.3.x86_64 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(5/7) Removing PackageKit-branding-openSUSE-42.1-2.13.noarch ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(6/7) Removing PackageKit-backend-zypp-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(7/7) Removing PackageKit-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
Additional rpm output:
Removed /etc/systemd/system/                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

There are running programs which still use files and libraries deleted or updated by recent upgrades. They should be restarted to benefit from the latest updates. Run 'zypper ps -s' to list these programs. 
**erlangen:~ #** zypper install PackageKit             
Loading repository data... 
Reading installed packages... 
Resolving package dependencies... 

The following 5 NEW packages are going to be installed:
  PackageKit PackageKit-backend-zypp PackageKit-branding-openSUSE PackageKit-gtk3-module PackageKit-lang 

5 new packages to install. 
Overall download size: 1.1 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 2.7 MiB will be used. 
**Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): **
Retrieving package PackageKit-branding-openSUSE-42.1-2.13.noarch                                                                                                                                                                                                (1/5),  16.7 KiB ( 20.2 KiB unpacked) 
Retrieving: PackageKit-branding-openSUSE-42.1-2.13.noarch.rpm .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done (932 B/s)] 
Retrieving package PackageKit-backend-zypp-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                                     (2/5), 236.4 KiB (257.8 KiB unpacked) 
Retrieving: PackageKit-backend-zypp-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64.rpm ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
Retrieving package PackageKit-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (3/5), 338.6 KiB (  1.2 MiB unpacked) 
Retrieving: PackageKit-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64.rpm .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done (2.2 MiB/s)] 
Retrieving package PackageKit-lang-1.2.1-5.1.noarch                                                                                                                                                                                                             (4/5), 362.8 KiB (  1.2 MiB unpacked) 
Retrieving: PackageKit-lang-1.2.1-5.1.noarch.rpm ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
Retrieving package PackageKit-gtk3-module-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                                      (5/5), 150.5 KiB ( 18.5 KiB unpacked) 
Retrieving: PackageKit-gtk3-module-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64.rpm .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 

Checking for file conflicts: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(1/5) Installing: PackageKit-branding-openSUSE-42.1-2.13.noarch ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(2/5) Installing: PackageKit-backend-zypp-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(3/5) Installing: PackageKit-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(4/5) Installing: PackageKit-lang-1.2.1-5.1.noarch ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
(5/5) Installing: PackageKit-gtk3-module-1.2.1-5.1.x86_64 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done] 
**erlangen:~ #**

Note: Timer was deleted in the above and needs to be enabled again:

**erlangen:~ #** systemctl status packagekit-background.timer 
● packagekit-background.timer - Systemd timer to update the system daily with PackageKit 
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/packagekit-background.timer; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) 
     Active: inactive (dead) 
    Trigger: n/a 
   Triggers: ● packagekit-background.service 

Nov 27 15:26:30 erlangen systemd[1]: Started Systemd timer to update the system daily with PackageKit. 
Nov 28 10:09:22 erlangen systemd[1]: packagekit-background.timer: Succeeded. 
Nov 28 10:09:22 erlangen systemd[1]: Stopped Systemd timer to update the system daily with PackageKit. 
**erlangen:~ #** systemctl enable --now packagekit-background.timer 
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/packagekit-background.timer. 
**erlangen:~ #** systemctl status packagekit-background.timer       
**●** packagekit-background.timer - Systemd timer to update the system daily with PackageKit 
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/packagekit-background.timer; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) 
     Active: **active (waiting)** since Sat 2020-11-28 10:15:08 CET; 4s ago 
    Trigger: Sun 2020-11-29 00:00:00 CET; 13h left 
   Triggers: ● packagekit-background.service 

Nov 28 10:15:08 erlangen systemd[1]: Started Systemd timer to update the system daily with PackageKit. 
**erlangen:~ #**

For a start, YaST Online Update is fine to use on Leap, not on Tumbleweed. It does the equivalent of “zypper patch”.

For a start, the “update manager” is the applet that some DEs (KDE, Gnome, …) show to a GUI user and that reports when there are any new versions of software available. They also offer that end-user (remark, any “nornal user”) the opportunity to install those updates (the equivalent of “zypper up”). It was also patched to use on Tumbleweed installations the equivalent of “zypper dup”. It uses Packagekit behind the scenes and not zypper.

Reading the above, using the applet (and thus PackageKit) should be OK on Leap as well on Tumbleweed. But browse through the threads here on the forums and you will find a lot of problem cases of people using it, specially on Tumbleweed, and those cases were then solved by using the advice given here to do a “zypper dup”. Needless to explain that all those that suffered by those problems from then on only used “zypper dup” on their Tumbleweed systems.


I, for myself, as system manager (or system administrator when you want to use that term) have no need at all to let my users bother about an update applet and what it means when it shows something. That is none of their business. And of course the fact that end-users then can install software (even if they are advertised as “it is only updates”) is beyond what I can accept. That must be the prerogative of the system manager, who is identified as such by the system by providing the root password.
Thus no PackageKit on the systems I manage and thus no applets to clutter the desktop of my users.

I hope not so.
This can only be done by “root”, not “users”.

I assume it is “openSUSE’s update manager” (because it is direct reply to my question). What is “KDE Plasma’s update manager” then and how exactly they conflict with each other?

In fact it is more an answer to the OP then to you. But you are correct, I then should not have quoted your post in my post.

You question to the OP is indeed something that should be solved: what does he mean with both expressions.

I tried to explain to him in my words what the applet is and does and what OTOH YaST/zypper do when asked to do “updates”.

Conflicts happen when two programs try to do upates or check for updates at the same time. You DO NOT want two programs doing updates at the same time!!!

In TW you should update only by zypper dup KDE updater does equivalent of zyyper up and thus may cause problems.

KDE updater is runnable by any user. This may or may not be OK depending on situation and knowledge of the users. But in any case TW is zypper dup only and thus only root can run. Removing PackageKit will stop KDE Updater for all user. Removing KDE updater from the tool bar only stops it for given users and the users have the power to restore if they want and know how.

That is not true anymore on Tumbleweed since quite some time they say. It was patched to do “zypper dup” when om Tumbleweed.

KDE updater’s real name is:

**erlangen:~ #** zypper if plasma5-pk-updates 
Loading repository data... 
Reading installed packages... 

Information for package plasma5-pk-updates: 
Repository     : openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss 
Name           : plasma5-pk-updates 
Version        : 0.3.2-10.3 
Arch           : x86_64 
Vendor         : openSUSE 
Installed Size : 176.9 KiB 
**Installed      : No **
Status         : not installed 
Source package : plasma5-pk-updates-0.3.2-10.3.src 
Summary        : Software Update Manager for Plasma 
Description    :  
    Plasma applet for software updates using PackageKit. 

**erlangen:~ #**

If it gets in your way [shut up and] run ‘zypper remove plasma5-pk-updates’.:wink: