permanent console font change: CONSOLE_FONT in /etc/sysconfig/console gets ignored

my notebook has a high resolution display, thats why i installed the “terminus-bitmap-fonts” package and change my console (real console via ALT+CNTRL + F1) font using:

setfont ter-132n

which works nice. But now i want to make this change permanent for all users, and ideally for the console output pre-login also.
So i changed the CONSOLE_FONT entry in /etc/sysconfig/console from empty to “ter-132n” but it seems that this simply gets ignored (reboot does not help).

I’m not sure about Tumbleweed, it does work in Leap 42.3 here.

But, you need to run “sudo mkinitrd” after changing /etc/sysconfig/console, the settings are applied very early on boot, before the root partition is mounted.

PS: you might also try to set the font via “FONT=xxx” in /etc/vconsole.conf instead, see “man vconsole.conf”. (and again, run “sudo mkinitrd” to be sure)

The problem may be that this setting in /etc/sysconfig/console is no longer respected, but I’m not sure about that…

using vconsole.conf worked, no mkinitrd needed. Thank you.