PDF Reader

I’m using 11.1 with KDE 3.5. I’m looking for a PDF Reader. I need to install it as an add-on product in Firefox 3.0

On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 23:06 +0000, stubble wrote:
> I’m using 11.1 with KDE 3.5. I’m looking for a PDF Reader. I need to
> install it as an add-on product in Firefox 3.0

Use the external kpdf (IMHO).

Works well for most things (multimedia, forms and password stuff I think
you need to use Acrobat Reader, unless somebody knows of something

“Adobe Acrobat Plug-in is part of the “Acroread” package in the
non-oss-installation source” <cite: http://tinyurl.com/l2q4hf>

insure you have the non-oss repo enabled then go YaST > Software
Management > [type in search box] acroread > [press] “Search” button >
[single left click the box next to] “acroread Adobe Reader for blah
blah” [so that it has a check mark in the box] > [click] “Accept” and
follow your nose, you most done…

THAT is if you really want it as an add on in firefox (i prefer to
download and use kpdf stand alone, then save or delete the pdf)

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Acrobat Reader does work, however it is very slow when you run it the first time, compared to Kpf and will make you not really enjoy pdf. The only advantage I recall is, that if you have a scanned book or text that does not fit the screen you can set in Acrobat Reader to turn the document 90 degree (functionality that I did not find in Kpdf) and good for notebooks.
I did not find compatibility differences between the two programs during normal use.
I agree that it is best to download the file and then to read it with Kpdf.

cjcox wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 23:06 +0000, stubble wrote:
>> I’m using 11.1 with KDE 3.5. I’m looking for a PDF Reader. I need to
>> install it as an add-on product in Firefox 3.0
> Use the external kpdf (IMHO).

I second that :slight_smile:

> Works well for most things (multimedia, forms and password stuff I think
> you need to use Acrobat Reader, unless somebody knows of something
> else?)

Yes, some pdf files require acrobat reader to manage them. Mostly are form



I am using Okular. Works well for me than acrobat reader. Its default software for pdf in kde4.*, not for FF. Download file and then read like others. Acrobat reader will read your files within FF. Somehow a plugin for FF.
Okular: Not sure about it will work under kde3.5 or not, but you can give it a try.

Okular is KDE4 but Kpdf is still better than it in both KDE3 and 4.

Thanks everyone. I downloaded Acrobat Reader because I mainly want to read PDF files off the web. It works fine. Funny I thought I had (was it) KPDF working in Firefox in 11.0

But okular redlining utils are superb. A big reason for me to move to KDE4.

It is possible. It is a queston on how integration of programs is done in FF.
There should be about:config to define the reader working with FF.
If you document yourself you will be able to do these settings. Still the existence of Acrobate Reader on your drive does not impeed the use of KPdf once you have downloaded the file. It is like usual with linux: you have a choice.