Patching as update/upgrade method?

Hey folks. Its been a few years since I was current/playing in suse land. I have been admin’ing redhat/centos for several years, but a new job puts me back into suse. We have a combination of SLES and opensuse. What I am wondering about is if it is ‘supported’ or known to work or not work to update/upgrade from one minor release to the next as a means of upgrade.

We have some SLES sp1 servers we would like to bring to sp3 or now to sp4. In my previous life as a redhat admin, i could apply OS patches to achieve that. I could patch a redhat 5.1 to redhat 5.6 and do just fine. Can I in theory then patch a sles sp1 with sles sp3 or sp4 patches and equally be ‘fine’/stable?

I am just looking for wisdom of experience. thanks!

you should really ask here
about that question, I’ve never used SLE but from my understanding if you have a license you should get automatic updates.
on the opensuse side if you want to go from 13.1 to 13.2 it’s quite easy with zypper dup, so I’m speculating if you guys have active SLE licenses you should be able to dup from one release to another.

ps your opensuse forum login works with suse too.

thank you, this is what I imagine as well. I spun up a sles server in a vm and i am going to through patches at it and see how much smoke I can make!

I will check on their forums as well. We do have license, etc. These have been stagnant for a long time, and i was hired to ‘fix’ that problem. I just didnt know if updating from one service pack to the next was a good or bad thing. In all other flavors I have always gone with clean installs for upgrades (as opposed to updates), but what I didnt know is if Suse deems service packs as upgrades or simply point in time updates like redhat has done.

Anybody else can chime in with their opinion.

Most people here are openSUSE users and they would not dare to make any guesses about SLES/SLED. You are realy at the wrong place here.

And when you want to ask about upgrading from one specific openSUSE version to another, then ask that more specific question. And of course choose the correct openSUSE version in the prefix menue so people that may be able to help you are informed on the first glance about it.

:slight_smile: thank you. I was hoping to come upon an admin such as myself who has been there and done that. ‘open’ forums tend to be a little more friendly and have a greater number of people.

yes those SLE users can be found here Rancher Labs (some of the admins/mods are the same there too)

I’m not really sure what you are asking?
on opensuse you can do a distribution upgrade go from one version to the next with zypper dup (or with yast) without the need to reformat and re-install, SLES(D)'s are different creatures, afaik SLE is up to version 12 now and if you have a license it might be best to go with the latest.
there are always issues to be expected when doing OS upgrades, software and hardware that once worked might need massaging.

Yeah, the suse forums already covered this. no bueno :frowning:

posting so others can see what my result was.

well no

you need to go from sp1 to sp2 to sp3 can’t jump a release,
don’t jump to conclusions ask here