patch xorg so it will accept nvidia drivers and xorg.conf

Reading this forum there are many entrys regarding xorg and nvidia drivers

The latest from 11.3 beta 4

So is it not time for Suse to provide Xorg the way it always has been, use nv driver now then nouveau or use the nvidia driver
and patch the dammed xorg so it will use the nvidi driver

Alternate way to tackle the problem use xorg from 11.2
get the rpms from 11.2 dvd and istall them manualy (rpm --force --nodeps -Uvh *.rpm)
copy your xorg.conf from 11.1 (11.2) to 11.3
as i did.

all is working as in 11.2 now

hmmm…did you intend to make a suggestion to the devs?
they are not here…use FATE, or a mail list/IRC (need any of those URLs?)

or, were you maybe making a suggestion for the other 11.3 testers ??
if so, they should be hanging in

but, i can’t quite ‘catch’ what you are up on soap box about, and why…

maybe you were aiming for chit-chat???


–force --nodeps, the options to use to destabilize a system. IMHO they should not be used, they are never a solution, the --nodeps in special.
Again IMHO, this does not solve anything for 11.3 either, it’s creating a mixed install of 11.1 to 11.3, completely custom.

I do agree there is work to be done before 11.3 is ready for the world. Work by the opensuse devs, by the xorg devs and by the NVIDIA devs. As things are now, there’s no other way, AFAICS.