patch:openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791-1.noarch conflicts with 'Mesa-libEGL1.x86_64'

Conflict.txt (translated from Portuguese):

#### YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2024-08-09 10:10:03 ####

patch:openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791-1.noarch to be installed conflicts with 'Mesa-libEGL1.x86_64 < 22.3.5-150500.77.2.1' supplied by installed

    [ ] don't install patch:openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791-1.noarch

    [ ] the following actions will be performed:
install Mesa-libEGL1-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier
install libgbm1-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier
install Mesa-libGL1-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier
install Mesa-dri-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier
install Mesa-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier
install libvdpau_nouveau-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier
install Mesa-libglapi0-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier
install Mesa-gallium-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier
install Mesa-libva-22.3.5-150500.77.2.1.x86_64 from supplier SUSE LLC <>
   replacing from supplier

#### YaST2 conflicts list END ###

For now I had blocked the patch. Is this OK?


Well, if you use Mesa from Packman, you do not have any other choice. It is up to you to decide which one you want.

But what is the difference? Does it impact nvidia proprietary driver, for example?

E-h-h … you decided to use packages from Packman. I assume, you had some reasons to do it.

I see you don’t understand. I didn’t choose these packages, they were installed as a dependency of something else (which I don’t recall) or, probably, from a switch to packman when I installed 15.5 last year, as is usually recommended.

I’m asking if someone knows what is the difference between both repos, or if switching back to the oS Mesa will affect something, probably nvidia packages as Mesa is related to graphics, or even why this conflict is appearing now, as it is something new for me.

Also, googling (or duckduckgoing) the error message brings no hits.

Which does not change anything in my reply.

openSUSE builds Mesa without hardware acceleration support for some codecs.

Now THAT is helpful. Thanks!

I am also having this problem with the update. What would be the best way for a non-expert to resolve this problem please?

Just lock this patch to prevent its installation.

Thanks for your very fast response. I did:

zypper addlock “openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791-1.noarch”

as root. Hope that’s right.


I locked it for now, until I find out what brought in the packman Mesa

Follow-up: the locked patch was not there when I checked yesterday, and Mesa is still from packman. Yast shows no conflicts anymore. I suppose the issue was fixed by the maintainers.

bor@leap15:~> zypper info openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

package 'openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791' not found.

Information for patch openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791:
Repository  : Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15
Name        : openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791
Version     : 1

I am still having the problem. Locking thinks doesn’t seem to make any difference.

vivaldi:/home/graham # zypper locks

| Name | Type | Repository | Comment

1 | Mesa-libEGL1.x86_64 | package | (any) |
2 | openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791-1.noarch | package | (any) |

Running that same command results in a long list of conflicts.
vivaldi:/home/graham # zypper info openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

package ‘openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791’ not found.

Information for patch openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791:

Repository : Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15
Name : openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791
Version : 1
Arch : noarch
Vendor :
Status : needed
Category : recommended
Severity : moderate
Created On : Tue 06 Aug 2024 15:35:12 BST
Interactive : —
Summary : Recommended update for various 32bit packages
Description :

This update of various packages delivers 32bit variants to allow running Wine
on SLE PackageHub 15 SP6.

Provides : patch:openSUSE-SLE-15.5-2024-2791 = 1
Conflicts : [483]
srcpackage:Mesa < 22.3.5-150500.77.2.1
Mesa.noarch < 22.3.5-150500.77.2.1
Mesa.x86_64 < 22.3.5-150500.77.2.1

  • another 480 lines

Any suggestions to resolve the problem please?

It is not package, it is patch.