patch:openSUSE-2013-456-1.noarch conflicts with libqt4-debuginfo.x86_64

For some time now, this patch - openSUSE-2013-456-1.noarch - has been chucked out by Yast. I have had this happen in the past - updates being rejected - but the problem has always been sorted out somewhere back up the line and the patches have eventually gone through. In this case, after a couple of weeks or more, the problem persists.

I don’t know whether this is a KDE or SuSE problem but the substance of this e-mail is being sent to both.

Any ideas

Output from Yast Online Update

A package dependency could not be found. More information is available in the detailed report:

Detailed Report

patch: openSUSE-2013-456-1.noarch conflicts with libqt4-debuginfo.x86_64 < 4.8.4-3.6.1 provided by libqt4-debuginfo-4.8.4-3.3.1.x86_64

Output from Yast Online Update when the patch is excluded

This update is important as it may solve critical problems.
This update fixes the following issues with libqt4:

  • Add check-return-value-of-qt_safe_pipe.patch:

YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2013-06-27 15:26:42

patch: openSUSE-2013-456-1.noarch conflicts with libqt4-debuginfo.x86_64 < 4.8.4-3.6.1 provided by libqt4-debuginfo-4.8.4-3.3.1.x86_64

] deinstallation of libqt4-debuginfo-4.8.4-3.3.1.x86_64
] do not install patch: openSUSE-2013-456-1.noarch

YaST2 conflicts list END

Host: Kernel: 3.7.10-1.16-desktop x86_64 (64 bit, gcc: 4.7.2)
Desktop KDE 4.10.3 (Qt 4.8.4) Distro: openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) VERSION = 12.3 CODENAME = Dartmouth

Machine: System: SAMSUNG (portable) product: RV411/RV511/E3511/S3511/RV711
Mobo: SAMSUNG model: RV411/RV511/E3511/S3511/RV711 Bios: Phoenix version: 03PA.M001.20110312.XW
date: 03/12/2011

CPU: Dual core Intel Core i5 CPU M 480 (-HT-MCP-) cache: 3072 KB flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3
sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 10640.2 Clock Speeds: 1: 2667.00 MHz 2: 1199.00 MHz 3: 1199.00
MHz 4: 1199.00 MHz

Uninstall libqt4-debuginfo. You don’t need it.

Or if you do want to keep it, enable the debug-update repo, so that it can also be updated to the latest version…

You can avoid the smileys next time you post computer text by copying/pasting it between CODE tags. You get the CODE tags by clicking on the # button in the toolbar of the post editor.

Sorry I haven’t got back earlier - been doing other things -BUT:

@wolfi323 - On the button. Enabled update-debug and it went thru’ like a dream (I’m not sure that I NEED Konqi - or whatever it is - but I seem to have it).

@hcvv - This is all a bit snazzy for me! I tried using BBcode -

  • but it didn’t work. I have, however, now discovered the:

  •   Disable smilies in textIf selected, 
:) will not be replaced with


(Wow - didn’t expect that) and will know to use it in future.

---- OK, something’s gone terribly wrong somewhere - but maybe you can get the picture (although I, very much, doubt it)???

Anyway, thanks to both of you for your help.


Why konqui? That message was about libqt4-debuginfo…rotfl!

And you only need debuginfo packages if you want to debug some application or fins out why it crashes.

@hcvv - This is all a bit snazzy for me! I tried using BBcode -

  • but it didn’t work. I have, however, now discovered the:
  •   Disable smilies in textIf selected,

:slight_smile: will not be replaced with


(Wow - didn’t expect that) and will know to use it in future.

You can also enclose the respective text in “noparse” tags:

[noparse][noparse]in this text ;) won't be replaced,[/noparse][/noparse] but here it will: ;)...

will lead to this:
[noparse]in this text :wink: won’t be replaced,[/noparse] but here it will: ;)…