Good day all.
I am verry sorry if this has already been asked on here, but i couldn’t find any helpfull info on this matter, o and by the way, this is my first day of using openSUSE so i am an extreme noob!
Heres the issue, im doing some cfd calculations with Star-CCM+ and recently the models have gotten to large to be able to run on a single machine so i need to run the simulations in parallel over a couple of machines and for this I need to setup passwordless RSH.
What i have figure out sofar is that the following files needs to be setup correctly in order to get RSH working without the need for passwords:
The hosts and hosts.equiv files I can find but I cant seam to find the .rhost file even after installing rsh and rsh-server. Should i just create this file or am i missing something?
Also, can the info inside these files be the same with regards to comtaining all the IP adresses and aliases of the other machines being used along with the machine on which the file is contained or should, say the hosts file, only contain the IP of the other machine and not the machines IP on which the file is situated?
Lastly, the content of these files, would it be sufficient to only spesify the IP adress of each and every machine along with the alias which the machine uses for example: Host1 Host2
Im sorry for the long post but im really stumped on how to get this going so any help will be greatly appreciated.