Password manager freezes running Apps

Since about a week ago, after a Distribution upgrade. Apps where “pasting” would be possible would freeze if I copy a password from or even open my password manager (KeepassXC).

Even now typing this message, Firefox would freeze until I close KeepassXC. I don´t think the password manager was updated as it still in version 2.7.4 and still works fine on Windows. And this is not limited to only firefox, but also include Terminal, Gedit etc… (My guess is like said above, any app where “pasting” is possible).

I am using Gnome. Anyone is having a similar problem and is there any solution so far please?
Thank you in advance!

Do you use Wayland or X11 session?

Thank you, as I was not sure, I tried the command:


It returned Wyland.
(I never changed the session configuration by the way. So, I think it´s the default).

Edit: It´s definitely because of Wyland. I logged off and logged in with X11 and it worked just fine. Is there a specific reason I should continue using Wyland? Maybe I can also report the bug somewhere?

Thank you again!

Wayland has not reached a condition capable of unconditionally replacing X11. By design, it is unlikely it will ever be fully possible for X11 to be retired in favor of Wayland. For some users it works well enough. If Wayland doesn’t work well enough for you, either don’t use it, or consider yourself a Wayland test user, and report any bugs you find that have not already been reported. :slight_smile:

You could start with keepassxc issue tracker.

But why KeepassXC if I might ask? It wasn´t updated and worked fine until last week Tumbleweed upgrade. And it seems that it´s related to Wyland itself anyway.

Keepassxc developers at least know what keepassxc is doing and are using keepassxc and so may be able to reproduce it. Alternative is - you debug it, find out what component is causing this problem and report to maintainers/developers of this component.

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