Partitioning: To GPT or not to GPT

I am setting up OpenSUSE Leap 42.1 on my brand new Samsung 950 Pro M.2 SSD 512GB
The installation suggest partition table MSDOS. Why does it not choose GPT? I don’t have Windows, nor will I have Windows on the SSD.

Also the suggested partitions are strange:
No partition for boot and only 10GB for root

I thought perhaps this setup would suffice:
Define partition as GPT
2GB /boot EXT4
2GB Swap
100GB / EXT4
372GB /home EXT4

Only if using UEFI, then you need to add;

/dev/sda1 type ef00 size 260M
mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1

Else if legacy boot then you need to use msdos.

It depends on which mode you boot the installer if in legacy it assumes DOS partitioning if EFI then GPT should be the default.

There was no choice for UEFI in the partitioner

I have a fairly new motherboard and BIOS/UEFI. Do not know if boot was legacy or UEFI.

I have now partitioned using GPT, with 3 partitions /boot, / and /home. It works

So if you run the following commands and post the output (It may be set to hybrid)

gdisk -l /dev/sda

Why should it? What’s wrong with MBR?

gdisk -l /dev/nvme0n1
Partition table scans
MBR: Hybrid
GPT: present

Found valid GPT with hybrid MBR; using GPT

hybrid MBR in its self is not a problem. But mixing EFI and MBR boot is a problem ALL OS must use the same boot method to work correctly

MBR limits partition sizes to about 2TiB, the GPT limit is 16EiB.

Installer automatically suggests GPT if drive size exceeds MBR limits.