Partition Resizing Help please

I have two 250 GB drives setup with hardware RAID 1

I had on sda and sdb
20 GB swap, 20 GB / , 198 GB /srv all was good until I started to run out of space on 20 GB /

So I booted the server with Suse 11.3 live cd and reduced the size of 20 GB swap to 10 GB and 198 GB /srv to 150 GB on sda and sdb.

All good so far, then tried to increase 20 GB / to 60 GB, but the Partition setup says the Max Size can be 20 GB, I have checked and I have 42.88 GB of Unpartitioned space.

I have rescanned, rebooted, Server is still running fine by the way, but the 42.88 GB of free space is not made available for the expansion of 20 GB /

I would be grateful for some help please.



You can try and download the Ultimate Boot CD from Here

It has Parted Magic on it which you use to resize your partition. You have to make sure that the partition is unmounted otherwise it will not work.

etech97 :slight_smile:

I am downloading it now, I will let you know how it goes.



The Ultimate Boot Disk worked a treat, after I got the Raid looking the way I wanted it I decided to do a full re-install. The Server is working well now. Thanks

I’m glad that it worked out well for you :slight_smile:


I need help. I have SuSE 11.0 and Ubuntu 10.04. From Ubuntu, using GParted, I have
increased SuSE partition size from 7.5 GB to 9.0 GB. During this process /dev/sdb5
and /dev/sdb6 got merged into /dev/sdb5. I have also done the grub-update for
the boot-loader to take care of the partition changes. However, when I booted
into SuSE, the booting process stopped for want of USB driver. Viewing the
/dev/sdb5 from Ubuntu shows that all the files are intact, but the boot process
is not able to proceed beyond the failure to load the USB driver. The system
lands into command-line mode with virtually no useful command present
anywhere. How am I to restore my SuSE without taking recourse to the
installation DVD? I have updated quite a few packages subsequent to the
base install from the DVD

Caveat: Backup your files while you can.
I not sure I follow what you’ve done, regarding merging /dev/sdb6 into /dev/sdb5. The easiest work around is to remove the offending USB mount from the /etc/fstab.

Can you use Gparted to post output from

fdisk -l 
##  and 
cat /etc/fstab

Also, you should have opened this as a new topic. Old posts are sometimes over looked and you’d get more responses, especially long old posts.