Hi everyone,
Thinking about moving on Linux for sometimes now, I’ve jump into it yesterday with a not-so-old pc that was running Windows XP.
I’m not a pro … but I use to manage when computers were not “user-friendly”, so I’ve some knowledge but not that much. Please remember it in your replies
Step 0: reading a lot for the last 2 weeks
Step 1: Installation of Opensuse: Done
- Partitioning was done upon suggestion from YaST2 and there was free space as I had deleted some of the windows partitions before hand, only C: was left
Step 2: Format /dev/sda1 to erase Windows and being able to use that space for user docs
- System type used: “Ext4” following the info I could find on the forums.
- No mounted info as I did not know what to choose in the scrolling list and I was thinking that this could be done later
Step 3: Create a folder “Nath2” in /dev/sda1 to be able to have a short cut in my documents to access it more easily
→ that creation could only be done with su account
→ authorization given to all users to that folder to allow easy access without su account.
→ short cut link created in “my doc” folder for easy access
→ it seemed to work
Step 4: Restart was requested after several updates (normal after an install I guess)
Step 5: wanted to access the folder “Nath2” from shortcut … did not work with “error: access denied”
→ su needed to re-access sda1
→ when checking partition it is now mounted
→ while authorization are still for all users
Here is the partitioning now:
1/ How do I do to use sda1 to store data (i.e. pictures, etc) with easy access to all user (like for home)
→ for now, there is nothing onto it, so if needed to reformat or something else … fine.
2/ Is it possible (and not too difficult) to have a clean architecture i.e. swap volume first, then root, then home, then maybe a user volume easy to back up?
3/ When I will have to update Opensuse in the future, is this architecture the right one to do it easily (not having to backup every user data on an external HD to reinstall everything)? If not, what would you suggest?
Many thanks in advance for your help,
PS: What is those tmpfs volumes?