Hi, What is the partition management program in openSUSE Live DVD?
Is that possible to include gparted or cfdisk on Live DVD?
As far as I know, “parted” and “fdisk” should both be there. But perhaps you want something easier to use.
If you are running from a USB, then you can probably install “gparted”. And it should go to persistent storage on the USB.
I’m sorry to say that fdisk and parted did not include that DVD too. Really what software is more than important on the Live DVD?!
afaik the yast partition manager should be included
start yast type partition in the left filter field and use the buildin partition tool it’s the one used in the installer
Aha, I need partition resize feature.
I wish replace some unused tools with more important tools for live systems such as gparted.
afaik the yast partition manager can change partition size click on a partition select edit partition and you can tweak to your heart’s desire change mount points re-format and resize
while it might not be as user friendly as gparted it has all the needed features
Ok, Thanks:good: